Our Guarantee
The Wine Aroma Dictionary comes with an
unconditional 30 day money back guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied then return it for a full refund.
The Wine Aroma Dictionary also comes with a
one year performance guarantee.
If any card fails to present an aroma within twelve months of the purchase date, then return it and we will gladly replace it.
Shipping Information
We fill all orders promptly, but please allow 2-14 days for delivery.
We use regular air mail as we have found it to be the most cost effective way of getting the Wine Aroma Dictionary to you within an acceptable time. In the event that you needed it 'yesterday', please contact us before placing your order so that we can make alternative shipping arrangements.
Customs and Taxes
A dreaded topic as everyone hates paying tax, but we won't avoid it. The variations in the level of customs duty and other taxes such as GST/VAT, and the fact that customs duty is only ever determined upon landing makes it impossible to pre-factor them into the price of the Wine Aroma Dictionary.
For these reasons the price of the Wine Aroma Dictionary excludes customs duty and other indirect taxes that may be levied such as GST/VAT. In most countries customs duty on publications is low (less than 5%) or as is the case in the US, none is payable. But remember, regardless of your particular situation, smell for smell, the Wine Aroma Dictionary is only a fraction of the price of our major competitor (and not to mention about 1/20th of its size).